Experience rural Myanmar at it’s best
The Lei Thar Gone Guest House sits on a hill above a little rural town close to Bagan. So why would you want to stay with us in Yenangyaung, off the beaten track? There’s much to do here, apart from relaxing on our beautiful premises.
First of all, you should come because of the people – that’s what community based tourism is all about. Wander down the hill, into town and you will encounter smiling faces everywhere: Children waving to you from the back of horse carts; old, toothless men sitting in front of obscure shops; labourers with teeth red from chewing betel nut; teenagers zipping by on scooters, shouting “hello”; women in colourful dresses, their faces white with Tanakar, the traditional make-up, balancing rice bags on their heads. Although Yenangyaung is a very poor town in this land of daily toil, everyone is smiling at you, because you will possibly be the only stranger here. Sit down on the front steps of a shop and watch everyday life. There’s always something happening.
Explore the traditional life
Second, you should come because of the traditional Myanmar life that you will encounter.

Walk down the hill on the other side and watch farmers herding their cattle and ploughing their small fields with oxen, visit the brick factory where bricks are still being made solely by manual labour, go further till you reach the Irrawaddy River and talk to the fishermen working on their small boats. Come back through the little villages and see the tiny huts where these friendly people live, with chickens, pigs and dogs. It’s almost certain that someone will invite you for a cup of tea.
Practice English with the kids
And of course you should visit our Light of Love Private High School (LOL), situated next to the Guest House. Go there in the morning and be prepared: The preschool-kids will come running for you, hug you and practice their English with you. Most of them are orphans or half-orphans and they all come from very poor families. It’s shocking and heartbreaking to hear their stories. Yet they are happy and willing to learn. Here they can, thanks to the Lei Thar Gone Guest House and your stay with us.
Explore more with our support
If you want to set out on a boat trip to Bagan or Magway, have your private guided tour or book tickets to your next destination, we are very happy to assist you. We know the country and will do everything possible to fulfil your wishes. Please contact us.

Enjoy more pictures of authentic Myanmar in the photo gallery